every move is a gamble to some degree, rare are 100% certainties found. but some gambling is crooked...like Las Vegas-- the house is not a fair player. they don't have to WIN to take your money, you just have to LOSE. that does not guarentee the house will always win, but it gives them much better odds then they give you. plus if you start a winning streak, they can ask you to leave. that is how people who are not so bright get suckered big time... they are operating under some superstitious belief in winning streaks and lady luck, while vegas is taken your money on pure mathematical realities. example- the slot machines dont remember who won and what the won and so each play is unrelated to any other. you could, in practice win a thousand pulls in a row. the reason that does not happen is because for every winning combination there are like a thousand losers...and they can adjust the number of winning to losing combinations and accurately predict what the overall payout will likely be over time. --the dreamer dreaming --unable to login at the moment.
the dreamer dreaming
JoinedPosts by the dreamer dreaming
Why can't Witnesses Gamble? There's nothing in the bible about it!!!
by Witness 007 inif caught in any form of gambling you will be disfellowshiped!!!!!
the principles are "gambling is greedy and selfish, putting faith in the goddess of good luck.
" this is lame!
The Pecking Order of Jehovah's Witnesses
by minimus inwhere were you in the pecking order??
jws pride themselves as being different from "worldly" organizations and other religions.
they claim to have no clergy/laity groups.
the dreamer dreaming
GB members travelling overseeers bethlites elders elders wives elders kids pioneers MS the kewl people the working stiffs the poor the children the flaming gay brother [repentant of course] the creepy brothers and sisters who smell funny
Watchtower Custom Prints Bibles for Babylon (1992)
by cabasilas ini started a thread on this many years ago but did not have the documentation ready.
i recently unearthed the documentation and have put it into a pdf.. back about 15 years ago my best friend worked for a christian book store.
he used to order foreign bibles for the store and one evening i was thumbing through a thai bible on the shelf and was dumbstruck.
the dreamer dreaming
this could not be a one man operation...who else participated in this conspiracy?
"How Cults Work" -- A Comparison with Jehovah's Witnesses.
by B_Deserter inthese are selected comments regarding the article posted here: http://people.howstuffworks.com/cult.htm.
there is no meaningful difference between a cult and a religion in terms of faith, morality or spirituality.
the primary differences are that a "cult" operates outside of mainstream society, often calls on its followers to make an absolute commitment to the group and typically has a single leader, whereas a "religion" usually operates within mainstream culture, requires varying levels of commitment from its members and typically has a leadership hierarchy that, in practice, can serve as a series of checks and balances.. jws definitely operate outside of mainstream society.
the dreamer dreaming
count your fingers and where they are pointing... by such standards Jesus was certainly a cult leader of a suicide cult --take your cross and follow me. anyone who does not hate his father and mother and etc etc...cannot be my disciple. I am the WAY the TRUTH and the LIGHT...etc. anyone who does not listen to the brothers...treat them like tax collectors.. etc etc etc. ** funny how JC is excluded from cult status, eh? if he was real, which I doubt, btw... he was a david koresh of his day.
who believes, as I do, that they are GOD and in what sense?
by the dreamer dreaming ini believe we are all waves upon the one ocean...and we are that ocean.
we are reality which is dreaming about itself...and the generator of dreams.
the dreamer dreaming
good and evil is so much a part of everything we are taught, it is difficult to conceive of the world as neither, but not impossible. it took me a long while to see that good and evil do not exist at the sub-atomic, atomic nor molecular level of reality...and to grasp that they cannot exist at our level either until we 1. conceive of an ideal world. 2. compare an event to that ideal. seeing reality as you find it...without comparison to anything at all, give you just a vision of reality... its not good nor evil. as indivuals with needs, wants and desires... its easy to label anthing that defeats our progress and meeting our needs, fulfilling our wants and quenching our desires as evil... and from our individual experience of life it may always seem so... seeing that leads to the inevitable tension between the one and the many which is why religions often make what the individual experiences as good into evil. we, in the end, seem to be agents or players in this game and by cooperation or competition we find ways to fulfill our desires, often without understanding their origins or worth... our addictions and cravings are damned, but again there is gross ignorance involved. some strive to understand their own inner workings and some dont care at all and so it goes.
who believes, as I do, that they are GOD and in what sense?
by the dreamer dreaming ini believe we are all waves upon the one ocean...and we are that ocean.
we are reality which is dreaming about itself...and the generator of dreams.
the dreamer dreaming
I believe we are all waves upon the one ocean...and we are that ocean. we are reality which is dreaming about itself...and the Generator Of Dreams.
SURVEY: Who Believes In "God"?
by minimus inand by that i mean the supreme being or jehovah or jesus or buddah or whatever you might consider to be "god".
the dreamer dreaming
I believe in GOD the Generator Of Dreams --- reality dreaming about itself.... the dreamer dreaming.
Time to do more covers! Caption time. Here they are.
by Wasanelder Once inhere are the latest round of covers for your apostafun.
be clever, be clear and larger fonts are best for the videos.. .
the dreamer dreaming
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/file/0F4053E0-68C6-4FBF-BF3D-2E3D464681EE.ashx how do you make a picture appear in the msg? I see no controls for that?
What were Jesus's actual words ?
by aligot ripounsous injust a thought, which no doubt has been already expressed on here, if not in the same form.
we know how much emphasis the wts puts on teaching that the gospels are authentic historical reports.
however, we can see at least one domain where this historicity must be considered cautiously.
the dreamer dreaming
if the roman empire had not adopted the suicide cult of hippies known as christians, would the impact on history have been great?
jw Massage therapist
by carla inwhat is the deal with this?
it seems i hear more and more about some jw woman who is a massage therapist.
i can't think of a more unseemly occupation for a jw woman that is legal.
the dreamer dreaming
My father, who did massage for a chiropractor's office in NJ for a while taught me the business... while a JW I was too afraid to persue it as a profession because of the sexual tensions I knew it would cause. since leaving JWs I regularly massage nude dancers at a local strip club and they love it... there is no sex involved and most of the time I dont feel any arosual at all... but when I do, I just get a lap dance from her (^_^). While massage by itself is non-sexual, the mind and beliefs of the participants cannot be removed from the equation. Just like nudist resorts do not allow sex on the premises nor even male arousal... many of the nudists I have come to know over time are swingers... so while nudity and sex can be separated in practice, in reality their seperation is only by degree and location... humans are sexual animals just like all the others on the planet...why make such a big deal out of sex? because religion has found it the easiest to manipulate and guilt people into submission.